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Before I Got My Pm Was Pulse Was Down To 28 So I Got It And It Was Set At 60 And Got A Long Time It Was Steady At 59 But Now It's 80

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭
St Petersburg, FL
January 5
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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Don't worry so much about your heart now you have the PM. It's job is to regulate your heart. 60- 100 is a normal range for heart rate. It listens and if your heart is dong okay it does not pace but if the heart needs some help it paces. I just posted a good video for Medical Monday in the question section about pacemakers if you get a chance listen to it. It will help you understand. Don't worry so much like I said, the doctor gets a report remotely every day and they will call you if something is amiss. Good luck on Tuesday! Hugs🤗

January 6
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Lewis, My doctor told me not to use that anymore since the pacemaker will interfere with the reading. My watch is not affected by it. If you are worried put a call into the doctor they will know how things are going. 🤗

January 5
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Lewis, I assume your cardiologist monitors your pacemaker via a remote bedside monitor. They would no doubt call you if there is something to be concerned about. That said, if you are worried you should contact them and tell them you noticed an increase in your heart rate and let them know if there has been a change in your exercise habits, diet, or anything else you are doing that might raise your heart rate. You don't mention how long this has been going on it this just a one-time thing or has it been this way for a while? Be sure to let the doctors know.

January 5
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

January 6
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Autocorrect is my nightmare
I have a follow up next Tuesday. I Asked google about passing out in the shower and it makes sense until I remember I never passed out in the shower before the pm

January 6

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