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The Results Are In: What Patients With Heart Disease Want Most From Their Cardiologists Is Information, Not New Treatments

Posted on October 25, 2019

We recently asked 233 members of MyHeartDiseaseTeam, whether they’re happy with their current treatment regimen and what they’d like more of from their doctor. What we heard is that while most like their cardiologist, 56% of respondents are not satisfied or only somewhat satisfied with their current treatment regimen. Interestingly, only 8% said “New Treatments” are what they most want from their doctor. What’s higher on the priority list? “More Information” (22%) on recommended lifestyle changes and “Listening & Understanding” (22%) about the challenges of managing their heart disease.

Most members understand the importance of diet and exercise in managing their heart disease, but they are frustrated by the lack of information shared with them about how to go about eating right and exercising, and the lack of empathy from their doctors in understanding how the complications from heart disease make it difficult to exercise.

  • 47% of respondents have suffered a heart attack in the past. For many, they are constantly concerned about having another heart attack and the chest pain triggered by exercise is very scary.
  • 70% report difficulty exercising.
  • 76% report fatigue from heart disease.
  • Many discuss the difficulty of figuring out what exactly they should eat and the relative lack of support on that from their doctors.

As promised, we’re sharing the results of our survey back with you, the members of MyHeartDiseaseTeam. Review the slideshow below to see more about what we learned and please ask questions or share your feedback. Would you prefer lifestyle tips that would help you better manage your heart condition over new medications? What about empathy? As always, we welcome your thoughts in the comment box below.

Posted on October 25, 2019

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I agree. If one medication don’t work, they prescribe another and most of the time don’t work. I was just like a Guinea Pig. Why Cardiologists don’t at least try Natural Food Supplement. This is what… read more

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