Is Anyone Taking Eliquis Experience Side Effect Itchiness? Did The Itchiness Ever Go Away?
After Five Months On Ozempic, I Have Discovered A Miracle Side Effect - But There's Still One Downside No One Seems To Want To Talk About...
So I Have Arrthymia Àmd Want To Try Having A Baby Am Almost 40 How Will This Effect My Heart
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member This is the hardest decision to make and never an easy one, The doctors you are going to see can help you decide if this is a choice that makes sense for you. I faced this… read more
My Cardiologist Just Prescribed CHLORTHALIDONE 25 Mg. Does Anyone Else Take This And How About Side Effects?
Does Anyone On Amioderone Have The Side Effect Of Dizziness And Off Balance?.
Anyone Having Nosebleeds From Taking Eliquis
I Am In Stage C And Taking Numerous Medications. Howeber My Bloof Presure Stays Very Low 83/59. What Can I Do In This Case
In stage C heart failure, low blood pressure (83/59) can be a side effect of medications or your heart's reduced pumping ability. Speak with your doctor immediately—they may adjust your medications… read more
Is Anybody Taking Xarelto Ever Experience Itchiness As It Is One Of The Side Effects.
I'm taking Eliquis and I have been experiencing constant itchiness on my back, head and eyes. I'm considering switching to xarelto, hoping I won't experience itchiness with it.
I would appreciate your feedback.
Hi Sue, yes I have ckd stage 3, never thought of it as the cause of the itching but could be possible, will talk with my cardiologist about it.
Thanks for the feedback, take care.
Hi Everyone......Just Wondering If Anybody Has Been Prescribed Repatha For Treating Cholesterol....and What Your Experience Has Been?
Been taking it for 3 years.
After The Turkey Comes 🐟 Fishy Friday Fun! 🐟
Tranquil Coral SceneryRelaxing Music and Beautiful Marine Life to Help You Unwind and De-stress
Welcome to Aqua Harmony! Scientific studies have shown that listening to music specifically selected by patients for relaxation can result in significant pain reduction and increased mobility. Scientists say music has an analgesic effect because listening to it activates opioids, the body's natural painkillers. Thus, music itself is a medicine that helps improve the health of patients.
I walk 15 minutes and ride my bike 15 everyday part of my cardio