Does Anyone Have Cardiomyopathy With Left Bundle Block With Reduced Ejection Fraction?What Do You Take For Medication?
Hi Dan5! When I was first diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure I also was diagnosed with a left bundle blockage and an EF of 10-15%! Talk about horrific but I was already taking… read more
Is Anyone On Farixga,Entresto And Coreg For Heart Failure...does Farixga Causing You To Lose Your Appetite
I'm on Entresto and Jardiance for my heart and I have noticed an increase in appetite.
New Heart Failure Medication
I had a Cardiologist appt this week that was ok, Thankful. My Cardiologist was telling me of a new medication approve now for heart failure patient with low EF, it is a med that is given to type 2 dietbetc, ( I forgot the exact name), she said it has few side effects. I am scheduled for an echo in May and if my EF is low, she recommended the new drug. Have anyone heard of the medication? I hate to add another pill to my daily intake.😔, but may try it. I hope my echo increases or stay the same… read more
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member
My device is monitored by my hospital and they will call me and if I don't answer my phone they activate my GPS and send an ambulance to my location. If I'm home or out,… read more
Why Don'the You List Coreg In Your Medications? You Have Internal, For God's Sake, And That'she Been Around For 500 Years
I do not understand your query.
Does Anyones Meds Cause Ankle Swelling If So Which Nes Do??and What Does Doctor Say About It???
For me it was Slow K. Dr prescribed Lasixs and and spiractin only and not to take slow K and that seems to do the trick.
I have been using entresto four about four months. my factor went from 37 to 40
as i continue to take this medicine, what can i expect to achieve for a new factor
how long will i be taking this medication. I know these are questions for my cardiologist, but it is difficult to see her
thanks for the info. robert in the hills of vermont.
I had the same side effect with Entresto, low blood pressure along with dizziness and weakness, had to stop.
Anyone Here Take Magnesium For Heart Health?
Magnesium can be beneficial for heart health, but its effects are not entirely conclusive. While some research suggests that increased magnesium intake from food can reduce the risk of stroke, heart… read more
How Long Will You Live After Being Diagnosed With Congestive Heart Failure
Heart Failure doesn't go away, but with medications and exercise you can have a healthy life. I was told when first diagnosed that I might have to have a heart transplant or a heart pump. With the… read more