Does Anyone Have Any Good Recipes For.low Sodium A D Sugar Diet. Tired Of The Same Ild Thing. Thanks In Advance.
I'm on a low salt diet a d birder line Diabetic.
Most of the recipes I learned at cardiac rehab taste terrible to me. So I eat a lot of fish and chicken. Lots of fruits and vegetables too, mostly raw or steamed. Recently I started getting meals delivered from Magic Kitchen. They have options that are low sodium and taste good. They are sometimes high in carbs though.
Sorry for.misspelled words
Does Anyone Have A Website To Get Heart Health Eating Menus, Recipes Or Meal Plans To Help Someone New At This?
What Is Your Favortie Food Now You Have Been Diagnosd With Heart Conditon
Do You Need To Limit Your Sodium? How Much Sodium Should You Eat A Day?